Tuesday 7 October 2014

The motion control systems of the robots

 Welcome to my blog! Recently, I have read news about the Dexmo F2 gadget, which allows feel objects in the virtual games. This invention not only allows manipulate with objects, and also allows feel a virtual object by hand in the real world. In the following post, I will try to explain how basic robots can manipulate within objects.
Recently, the industry of robots is very powerful. The robots are capable to perform different operations and tasks and comparing with humans they do not require common safety and comfort elements. Many companies try to design and construct robots based on human actions. We have seen that the humanoid robots try to mimic human motions and behavior, but it takes many resources and much effort to make a robot like a human. In this post I will try cover some basic introductory materials of the motion and control system of the robots and discuss some main types of elements to the motion system, such as, manipulators controllers, actuators and etc.
Dexmo F2
Components of the robots
The component of the robots consists of mechanical part and control system. The mechanical part of the robot is divided into manipulator system and the system of movement. An industrial robot manipulator is the multilink mechanism with a serial connection of links and kinematic joints.
The manipulator includes two types of movement joints: a prismatic joint, providing linear motion and a rotational joint, proving an angular motion. For the movement of joints electric, hydraulic or pneumatic actuators are used. The actuator receives signal from the controller about the movement of the links and joints. The controller is like our cerebellum, it does not have ability to make decision, but it controls our motions.

A simple robot with links and joints

Control System of the robot
In general, the motions of the robots are controlled under a special mean of computer or a smart device. These control devices provided within running some types of program, which allow change motion of the robots according to the command on the program. To do this, at first it is necessary to write an algorithm, and then convert it into the program language. To get an algorithm, the work place of the robot and location of the each joint should be specified. The workspace of the robot can be found by writing mathematically equation on the robot’s links and joints. This means if we know all configurations of the robot’s links and joints (i.e. length, angles), we can calculate a location, where we want to place or orientate our robot.
The kinematic equation of the manipulator on the matrix form

The kinematic analysis of the robots
The kinematic analysis of the manipulator is connections of the joints, which define the basic movements of the robot in the working place, and describes it on the coordinate system. In recent years, most often used method to solve the kinematic analysis is based on the transformation matrix of homogenous coordinates. Using this method we can get an algorithm for the software programming and applying this program we can get a motion of the robots.

Reference list:
Bit-tech, “Dexta Robotics unveils Dexmo F2 VR controller”. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2014/10/02/dexmo-f2/1 (accessed 2 October, 2014).

OurEdu Blog, “Kinematics-forward and inverse analysis”. http://blog.oureducation.in/kinematics-forward-and-inverse-analysis/(accessed 4 October, 2014).

Ron Robotics, “Introduction to Robotics”.  http://www.rakeshmondal.info/Introduction-To-Robotics (accessed 2 October, 2014).

The Future of Human Evaluation, “Introduction to Robotics”. http://futurehumanevolution.com/introduction-to-robotics (accessed 4 October, 2014).

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